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Under My Umbrella

Name - Kenneth
Age - 23
Religion - Christianity
Affiliations - St. Andrew's Junior School
- St. Andrew's Secondary School
- St. Andrew's Junior College
- NUS Faculty of Dentistry
- City Harvest Church

Favourite Movies - American Beauty, American Psycho, The Others
Favourite Actors - Colin Farrell, Christian Bale, Mike Myers
Favourite Actress- Nicole Kidman
Favourite Singers- Christina Aguilera, Justin Timberlake

Describe yourself using as many words as desired! :D


After a visit to the beach, it's hard to believe that we live in a material world.
~Pam Shaw

(Thought, quote, random musing of the day...)

Over the Summer...

01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004
02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004
03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004
04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004
05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004
06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004
07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004
08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004
09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004
10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004
11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004
12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005
01/01/2005 - 02/01/2005
02/01/2005 - 03/01/2005
03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005
04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005
05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005
06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005
07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005
08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005
09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005
10/01/2005 - 11/01/2005
11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005
12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006
01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006

More Beaches

|Survivor 9| IMDb| Singapore Idol| The Amazing Race 6|
|GameFAQs| GameSpot| Christina Aguilera| Justin Timberlake|

Fellow Beachcombers

| Stanley | Yonghe | Diana | Siwen | Bran | Dennis | Bobby | Jonathan | Huijun

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Thursday, March 31, 2005

"God's Will" by Martina McBride 

Well....I have gotten my results and praise God....I got the straight Bs that I wanted......

Dental Materials B
Pathology & Microbiology B-
Pharmacology B-

In the words of Charles, Year 2 is no stroll in the park for me. I am just going to start the next year knowing that I can do so much more with God's strength and yes it's not going to be easy but I just pray to God that he will sustain me and really help me along the way as I am embarking into a new phase of my studies - seeing real patients.

Those in need of dental treatment, please give me a ring. I think I have been selling myself like forever......pretty, you can be assured of great services by me.

Yesterday was great having lunch with the group and KTV with the class...
Thanks for the presents.....really love them all........felt so loved yesterday....haha...another reminder to the people who still owe me a present.......haha.....

Amazing race just reminded me of how much I hated Rob and Amber in Survivor.............

Kenneth set up the umbrella @ 7:02 PM

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Sunday, March 27, 2005

"Born Free" by Andy Williams 

Today was an Easter service first for me. Finally I got to sing on the makeshift platform at Singapore Indoor Stadium for the dirst time and I totally enjoyed it. Gosh. It was so amazing......We couldn't really jump during praise cos the platform was really collapsible and we can only bounce on our feet which was really hilarious.........And my first time singing chinese on stage without any lyrics right in front of me except for laterally inverted lyrics on the big screen. ...Haha... It was great.......

Also gotten to know a choir mate from Team F named Edwin and had a really cool conversation with him about everything under the sun....cos we got like hours to kill before the first service....pretty cool dude.......there are only so few better good looking people than me and he is definitely one of them (I know its really hard to find)......Haha......

Ended service...another awesome service and City Harvest just proves to be the best church in town dude....Fellowship with the rest aka Cheryl, Qiuping, Erni, Derek, Shenglong, Gaowei and friend at Bakerzin in Fullerton One.

Derek: I am glad that you enjoyed your first few days in SAJC. I hope it will provide you the warmth that I had experienced.

Food for thought: Your word shows how much you really are as a person. I might not be the best word keeper but at least I try to be one.

Kenneth set up the umbrella @ 12:09 AM

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Wednesday, March 23, 2005

I am a d6

Take the quiz at

Kenneth set up the umbrella @ 10:49 AM

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Tuesday, March 15, 2005

"Over And Over" by Nelly 

It's over! Finally its over! My dumb ridiculous stupid crazy exams are over!
Just gotten news that I am neither on the extinction nor distinction viva list. Thank you God (assuming I am not that disastrous to take sub papers)!
Just want to say a word of sorry to the people whom I had really trouble during the exam periods....Thanks for putting up with me.

To my fellow yr3s and yr 1s. Gambate Kudasai!

Kenneth set up the umbrella @ 6:07 PM

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Monday, March 07, 2005

"Lose Yourself" by Eminem 

Be warned: My temptation in spewing profanities is right up to my oropharynx and the old person in me who have punctuate the F bomb in every sentence.

I am this close this close to losing it..............Before writing this entry, I threw my books everywhere just to vent my frustration. What's wrong with this dumb f course I'm in? I have only a f-ing PSLE score of 203 and a f-ing L1R5 of 11 and a f-ing Alevel grades of ABBB. I am not a machine. Do you seriously think I can f-ing cramp one whole year of work in like less than 2 weeks? Oh and no they teach like every single f crap and they expect you to study for them. 4 stupid subjects and 2 of them have to be conjoined into 1. One stupid subject is probably like 2 years work of an A level subject.

Oh yah not to forget that we are the only f-ing forsaken dumb ass crap species in NUS with only a month of hols and we are starting school when everybody is still preparing for their exams.

Prof Yap said it the best. WE are the most stressed people in NUS. And those who beg to differ, I will get you to kiss my ass. They treat you like the lowest scum in the earth, throw you with stupid projects to finish, rush you like you are being chased by a cheetah, make you find your own patients, give you tonnes of work to study with 1 week of study break. Have I not got my own f-ing personal life. I am so over it.

Pathology had pressed the f-ing red button in me. To be exact systemic patho. What crap shit subject is that? You study and study and forget everything. Burkitt's lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease, Lymphadenitis, Infective endocarditis, Atelectasis.................F you all .........It's not like I didn't put in the effort. I just HAD ENOUGH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

God please forgive me for I have sinned. I just need to let it all out. I am gonna turn the other cheek for my beloved enemy systemic pathology

Kenneth set up the umbrella @ 8:03 PM

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Friday, March 04, 2005

screenshot from the upcoming dynasty warriors game..... Posted by Hello

Kenneth set up the umbrella @ 5:39 PM

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Hey....Dynasty Warrior 5 is coming soon by the end of the month! for my holidays are settled .....Devil May Cry 3 ....Can't wait to sink my teeth in all these games..Couldn't find a Zhao Yun here is my second favourite player in the game...Gan Ning....Suppose to be some pirate.....Yonghe should know better...excited or not yh.....haha Posted by Hello

Kenneth set up the umbrella @ 5:39 PM

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