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Under My Umbrella

Name - Kenneth
Age - 23
Religion - Christianity
Affiliations - St. Andrew's Junior School
- St. Andrew's Secondary School
- St. Andrew's Junior College
- NUS Faculty of Dentistry
- City Harvest Church

Favourite Movies - American Beauty, American Psycho, The Others
Favourite Actors - Colin Farrell, Christian Bale, Mike Myers
Favourite Actress- Nicole Kidman
Favourite Singers- Christina Aguilera, Justin Timberlake

Describe yourself using as many words as desired! :D


After a visit to the beach, it's hard to believe that we live in a material world.
~Pam Shaw

(Thought, quote, random musing of the day...)

Over the Summer...

01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004
02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004
03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004
04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004
05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004
06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004
07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004
08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004
09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004
10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004
11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004
12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005
01/01/2005 - 02/01/2005
02/01/2005 - 03/01/2005
03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005
04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005
05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005
06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005
07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005
08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005
09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005
10/01/2005 - 11/01/2005
11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005
12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006
01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006

More Beaches

|Survivor 9| IMDb| Singapore Idol| The Amazing Race 6|
|GameFAQs| GameSpot| Christina Aguilera| Justin Timberlake|

Fellow Beachcombers

| Stanley | Yonghe | Diana | Siwen | Bran | Dennis | Bobby | Jonathan | Huijun

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Friday, October 22, 2004

"Car Wash" by Christina Aguilera & Missy Elliot 

OOhhh....I love this is so catchy.....apparently it is the theme song for the new animated film - Shark Tale and Christina as usual delivered it so well......And not to mention Daphne made a travesty of my favourite song of all the singapore idol competition......

OK....let me issue a challenge to the spent exactly 1 week on my onlay preparation...I think I have set a pretty good record....anyone wants to compete with

Day 1.......... 5 minutes to pack up Dr Peter Yu said "Its almost done, just a little bit of modification and I will sign it" Obviously I didn't finished it.

Day 2......saturday

Day 3........sunday

Day op tec on monday

Day 5..........beginning of lab session....Dr Joanne Uy asked me to REDO!!!!! Arrrgh!!!!!
..........5 minutes to pack up Dr Joanne Uy said "Almost! Just a little bit more....a little bit more" And I needed a little bit more time and I didn't finished it again....

Day 6.......beginning of lab session....Dr Foo Moo Thong......the king of Saudi Arabia asked me to REDO!!!! wat the heck! ...............5 minutes to pack up Dr Henry Ho checked my prep and said "Don't waste anymore teeth.....It's almost done" And I did not finish yet again.....How uncanny....

Day 7....thursday optec

Day PEter Yu favourite doctor!!!! And obviously he signed the column that says I a m a loser at onlay prep but I managed to finished it with 7 days.......

Gosh....... in the beginning I felt really bad and traumatised but at the end of the week I felt like a cruel joke was played and I actually laughed about it....

I guess you don't give up and thank you God!

Kenneth set up the umbrella @ 8:07 PM

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