Sunday, February 29, 2004
Well here I am again, after lunch on a hot sunday afternoon with my schedule packed for the whole day. How I wish the meetings with Dr. Frank Netters and Dr. Richard Snell would be postponed but they insisted on meeting today cos the proposal is due on tuesday. I hardly had any sleep yesterday cos I was rushing the proposal just for tuesday. ...Sigh...
Anyway, I am still testing for my darn blog title to work but it doesn't seem to be working at all.....
Guess I will drop by later again.....
Kenneth set up the umbrella @
11:55 AM
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Thursday, February 26, 2004
"Love In The First Degree" by Bananaramas
I spent about an hour rechanging my blog layout and I didn't get a good response for it........sob sob........But never mind, I am not very affected by that..... Of course!! What do you think?? I will cry if you guys don't like it.......Phuleeeze!!
But I did tear when I watched the 9pm show on Channel 8. It made me reflect upon the issue of fillial piety. I think I am fillial but I just don't express it on the outside......I still got the rebellious side..... :)
Dental Anatomy is such a touchy topic now......Be it the professors or the students..........Disappointment......
I finally had some quality rest time today but I still can't wait for the april hols!!!! Come to me baby.........
Kenneth set up the umbrella @
11:58 PM
PImpLes!!! Use OXY!
Its a mini outbreak for me on my face!!! But I am doing rectifying measures while typing this haha.....
Dental Anatomy Galore...!!!! After practical today, we are going to have another MCQ paper tomorrow. Will it be the exact same replica of the past year paper??? Well I guess we will find out soon.....
I didn't know my blog exudes such happiness that I got complimented today by no.25 in class today....Haha...Thanks least I know someone is an ardent reader of mine even though i write gibberish at times...
Choir practice was fun! Now I know what is a tenor and an alto.....Never appreciated music ever since I got coerced by my parents to play the organ when I was young.....Regretted a little...... I would have been a potential for Singapore Idol with my musical backgrounds and my deep husky voice....... HAHA!!!! I wish!
American Idol was good. They got a Clay Aiken wannabe. So its good news for Siwen and Fengyi......And also a Ruben Studdard wannabe.......Bad news.. HAha......But Clay Aiken v2.0 is so much better than Ruben Studdard v2.0 today!!
Kenneth set up the umbrella @
12:11 AM
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Tuesday, February 24, 2004
Xueli will probably like this quiz

What Finding Nemo Character are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Poor me feeling feverish with a sore throat after op tec...i wonder why is that always the case.....Guess will be sleeping soon to regenerate myself.....
I got chosen to be in my church choir !!!!! Yaay........ Even though, its gonna take up my time, I am doing it to serve God! No regrets!
Kenneth set up the umbrella @
12:12 AM
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Sunday, February 22, 2004
Bowling Good Times.......Haha to tell you the truth. I kinda enjoyed today's bowling session even though I went from hero to zero. Well not actually hero but you get what I mean.......It seems that I have not been playing bowling for a gazillion years.......Hitting the drain after blowing my own trumpet was indeed a humbling experience but hey I was joking when my trumpet was blown...Just to liven things up....
Revelation no.1 - YeeHau is our best male bowler
Revelation no.2 - AnQi is our best female bowler
Revelation no.3 - Maojie is officially called Boey gei gei........getting strikes in his "first time" of bowling
Revelation no.4 - "There is no such thing as a free lunch in this world" - Professor Loh Hong Sai
Revelation no.5 - Bulbous shaping in a person is enhanced by body hugging shirt and a pair of fitting cargo pants..
Revelation no.6 - Ayer Rajah food center is not west point coffee shop
Revelation no.7 - Bowling like flinstones can actually get you a trophy
Revelation no.8 - Nasi Lemak can come in small packets....
Revelation no.9 - Hot cakes are sold at $1.80
Revelation no.10 - "I am a good bowler no matter what they say" Christina Aguilera (modified)...... :)
Charles said that my hair reminds me of a puppy........ and he wants to salute me by naming his future dog after me.......Am I honoured?? Of course not! Yew-Choon..... haha
Lunch was on Prof Loh. Had a lot to eat. I went on grubbing incessantly even when I was full.....Gluttony!!! I admit....or maybe its cheapskate..... :) We saw Viktor (I like this spelling) spawned into a poodle.....still maintaining his red streaks of dyed hair in the coffee shop strolling with his master......
Swimming today in kallang basin was a disaster with kiddos in pajamas learning to swim and I had to evade them like obstacles in an obstacle course......Nevertheless, I thought I had to do something after my gluttony behaviour........
Alright...Thank you Bran for a ride back home....ProF Loh for a fine lunch....Maojie and Bran again for being my bowling partners.....Tien Tien, Peijun and Anqi for making it a fun lane 3 and 4 ........
Back to the books.....
Kenneth set up the umbrella @
6:51 PM
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Diana's crappy quiz.....haha
Kenneth Tan
 Feeder Goldfish
Agility 3 | | | Strength 5 | | | Stamina 8 |
| Battle Rating 16 Origins Kenneth Tan escaped an impoverished life in the sewer by climbing up the drain and into our hearts |  |
Kenneth set up the umbrella @
12:19 AM
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Hmmm.........I just got one thing to say.....
Why can't I recall the stuff I studied the previous day?? Is my brain so limited?? Is Dental Anatomy such a hardcore subject for memorising?? I wish its the latter......
Nothing insightful today except the sermon in church about God's blessings.......
I guess mugging is the next agenda tonight.......and BOWLING!!!!! :)
Kenneth set up the umbrella @
12:01 AM
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Friday, February 20, 2004
Definition of mug:
- a cylindrical drinking cup
- to pose or make faces especially to attract attention or for a camera
- to assault usually with intent to rob
Don't get me wrong, I am not asking a mug for my birthday present nor I want someone to rob me in my house back alley......It is a term used by so many people in the university and I have been using that word and putting it into actions for the past many days due to the tests coming up.
Hmm...Stanley seems to be happy with my bowling good times statement. Its just a nice point to bring out........Hey I need some recreation on sunday too....All work and no play makes Kennie a dull boy...... It's pretty weird but I am actually anticipating for sunday.....I guess its really true...I haven't been playing these few days......I know its a pathetic life I am leading but I guess I am responsible for what I signed up for.....So dental school, I love you! (I am not insane haha).. I didn't mug a whole lot today though......slept in the afternoon to recharge myself and am anticipating for my TV shows coming up soon from 9 -11 pm......
And like Diana......I wish I was some people in class........ :(
God bless everyone!!!!!!!!
Kenneth set up the umbrella @
7:58 PM
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Thursday, February 19, 2004
Finally we got our first DA test results from Miss Han after centuries of waiting, well i wasn't expecting an A for it, neither an A- nor a B+, I just wanted a normal average grade for my efforts but I didn't . Well I was the bottom 1/3 in class with a C+. I know I should not be complaining but I was disappointed truly....
Thanks for the people who encouraged me today especially my 3 chio sisters (as maojie would put it). I think I was a little petrified by the amount of work needed to be done for DA with the time available left.....Thanks for the super deluxe Mr Softee...I almost numbed my inferior dental nerves...Haha
By the way, American Idol was a disaster this time.....Lucky for some cos' 2 will still be chosen tomorrow....A pity cos' the previous group was really good and only 2 can be chosen.......
Kenneth set up the umbrella @
12:01 AM
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Wednesday, February 18, 2004
Alright, many will thought that I will have at least an entry for the dreaded monday which has our third physio test in the morning and another 4 hour op tec session.....GUESS WHAT? you're wrong......
Physio test was alright
Optec was also alright but I didn't get any signatures! Cos I spent at least an hour finding appropriate teeth to mount on and when the mould is ready GUESS WHAT? My tooth sank in the mould and didn't came out and I had to rectify it.......
Stanley told me an incredible and funny story yesterday while on his way home and I laughed till my head nearly fell off and GUESS WHAT? it was on the ICQ....can you imagine if I saw the scenario myself, it would have been chaotic.....sorry Stan....but HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
Well, Stanley is the organiser for our annual bowling good times for Prof Loh. It seems that the response is pretty bad...All I can say is.........try to go guys, I know tests are looming but hey just study more on saturday and more on sunday afternoon and its only a morning......And hey I am staying in the East......though some might beg to differ....okay North East then........
Had a super long nap from 4pm-8pm......And did some studying in between The Crime Hunters and Meet My folks and until now....Haha...I am always a sucker for reality TV and the new season for Meet My folks is so much more interesting........more singles....more trashy stuff.....and more temptations.....Haha...... e.g. One girl who looks the most decent and plays the piano will want to break off with her boyfriend if he doesn't bed with her by the 4th week.........interesting??? Haha...There's a thought! GUESS WHAT? I need to sleep..... :)
PS: This blog entry is dedicated to GUESS WHAT?? Fengyi my special friend...Haha
Kenneth set up the umbrella @
1:03 AM
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Sunday, February 15, 2004
What is wrong with me man! I have been slacking over the weekend and I just can't bring myself to study even when physio test is just creeping up in a few hours.......Arrgh!!!! I need therapy I think......
Anyway caught the trailer of The Passion of the Christ in church........It is a film by Mel Gibson depicting the trials and tribulations on what Christ went through when He was sent to die for us sinners...... Apparently, I heard it was so gruesome that the movie was given the RA censorship in Singapore. Amazingly, I felt so touched by just watching the trailer and I teared continuously. The love of God and the longsuffering of Jesus Christ touched my heart so deeply and I can't wait to catch the movie when its out to strengthen my faith and to gain new revelations.......
Kenneth set up the umbrella @
10:42 PM
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Had a Valentine's dinner at Jumbo Seafood restaurant at ECP... Went with the eligible singles in class and when I say eligible I really mean eligible....including me haha..........
I want to thank Jingrong for the toilet treat and Diana for the ice cream treat....cos' I was left with 5 cents after the meal ..... haha......
No one seems to remember the BeeDees commercial except for me and maojie......that is suprising......I always thought it was a very catchy commercial........
I saw Identity today on DVD and it adds up to my list of favourite to American Beauty, Changing Lanes, The Others, Moulin Rouge, LOTR and Phone Booth..............It is a great movie with an awesome ending.....makes me wonder a little for those who haven't catch the movie...try to watch it....AWESOME!
Kenneth set up the umbrella @
1:32 AM
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Friday, February 13, 2004
LOVE LOVE LOVE... Love is definitely in the air despite the incessant onslaught of tests and exams upcoming, LOVE is still all around....
It all started during anatomy class, where the girls got their fair share of flowers by the class guys....but maojie did most of the work....I felt fake saying that I gave the girls flowers cos' technically I didn't. I was just a provider of the capital and when it all comes down to it I can say that I "gave" the girls something.....It is not me to be romantic.....Or maybe I have not met the one yet........I always thought Valentine's Day is way too overhyped..........Seeing my friends made moves to the ones they "love" didn't really impress me.....Extravagance or overly mushy is not the way....that's my opinion (could be flawed haha...that's why I am unwanted) least I was glad to see on TV that guys were given blue roses at Raffles City but according to the angel giving, she said Singaporean guys are shy but are they to be blame? I thought....
Then it came down to a daughter's love for an ailing mother in Survivor.....Jenna deserved every ounce of respect to leave the game to be at her mother's bedside...I never liked her in the amazon until today....Well I guessed she have grown from a spoilt brat to someone mature enough...........
On a lighter note, I can't think of any......... haha...........
God bless my friends, I truly hope you all will find true love soon..........And may the person bring you the joy you never felt before.......
Kenneth set up the umbrella @
11:53 PM
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Thursday, February 12, 2004
LA LA LA LA LA LA LA........ Haha choir audition today in church was fun.....I didn't think it would be that stressful. Made a couple of friends...Cheryl and Bernard.....I had a fair share of my American Idol treatment but it the end it is still for God.
Today seemed to be a bad day to begin with........starting with the first lecture where everyone scurried on time just to get their attendance marked by a pissed lecturer. Secondly, we only found out that our dental anatomy test will encompass the year's work which is crazy! I am going to spend my sleeping time mugging....nah....Haha........
Dental school is getting tougher and tougher by the day. I never thought it would be so drastic when I signed up for it. I am sure many thought so too. Everyone is making the medical library as their second home... Well I guess everyone is experiencing it so I have no reasons to complain and whine.....
PS: I only managed to catch the last 4 performances in American Idol...I thought the Matthew guy was good.......
Kenneth set up the umbrella @
12:33 AM
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Sunday, February 08, 2004
Today we had Dental Health Screening at the Hub of All HUbs - Toa PAyoh! Finally, somewhere a stone throw from my place! ALthough its only a 2 hour shift, it had taken a toll on me.....haha...i dont think i would be interested in doing something like that again but do I have a choice??
Singaporeans will always be singaporeans.......the fact that people were lamenting the whole day over a free screening brought to a little of digust, people being unhelpful not sparing a thought affected me a little....But I had seen worse......such a touchy topic....
I will end here today....can't seem to think of anything to add....
Kenneth set up the umbrella @
11:56 PM
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Friday, February 06, 2004
Had another one to one talk and lunch with my fellow Tan - Charles......Learned a lot about him today. Realized that we got the same sitting posture on the bus, his sister's name, his family and his life at UWC...Why do we always touch on such serious topics???? Haha....but its nice talking to you...Had lunch at Pasta mania where wanyi found a hair strand protruding out her pizza.....
Our last stop for the canvassing was a little scary (I shall not reveal the place just in case anyone who reads this knows the place!!!). When the receptionist asked for the doctor to see us, I was already prepared to regurgitate my "Are you interested in sponsoring us" sentence. But when I saw him, he sent shivers down my spine. I have never seen anyone so intimidating.. He was taller than Bran, has very long and wavy hair and seems to be annoyed that we are interrupting him during his dissection of human beings in his little room. My tongue got a little tied and I messed up my opening regurgitation....and I feel like crap! Haha.....No wonder they always emphasize that we have to look professional.........
Remember to watch Survivor......down with Jenna Lewis!!!
Kenneth set up the umbrella @
5:15 PM
(0) comments audition or not to audition......I am little vexed....I want to serve the Lord in church even though I know I might not have the time to do that........The choir ministry is opening up auditions for people who wants to serve the Lord with their voice...
Seek Ye first the kingdom of God and All these things shall be added unto you
Singing is not necessarily the best skill I have but I want to serve God in this ministry.....
Mugging is obviously not my best skill too.......the reason why I am here with this entry today is because I just could not stand sitting alone in the living room reading Silverthorn, flipping my notes and trying to comprehend what are the GI hormones for......
Wish me the best for the canvassing crap..........Charlie and his angel will be activated to the central rich area to convince annoyed dentists on why they should sponsor the orientation.....
GO Shii Ann.....!! Hope you go the furthest so I can win the bet with xueli and bran....haha
Kenneth set up the umbrella @
12:22 AM
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Wednesday, February 04, 2004
HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY to peijun.........I had mine last year....well...some called it a milestone in life but it was just another ordinary birthday for me..... classmates were chuckled to see my bearing of children phrase...Haha....Is it really that funny?? I thought I wrote it with a serious mood the other day but heck....... Soon it will be valentine's day and again it will be another day for me to bum around at home....but hey at least I got a dinner date with my single and eligible classmates!
Playing nonsensical games today was the highlight at Swensen's. It got to such an extent when we were even complained for making too much noise. And Gengfeng broke a chair because of his weight... haha. I guess I was the originator for resurrecting all these games the other day when we were shopping for peijun's present and it got carried forward....Siwen...don't be traumatised over today....Sleep well...
Sleep tight everyone.....
Kenneth set up the umbrella @
12:07 AM
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